Kayak Rentals

All of our rentals include all safety and accessory equipment including paddles, PFDs, pumps, ropes, sponges and a paddle float. We can drop off at most of the launch points on Cortes for an extra drop off fee. For your safety, we require that all kayak renters have previous kayaking rescue experience (wet exit and re entry). For planning your trip into Desolation Sound or the surrounding areas of Cortes, please visit our trip planning page.


Day Kayak rentals

(Fridays only) *Must be booked online in advance

Day kayak rentals are available on Fridays at Mansons Landing Provincial Park from 10am-4pm. We do not offer day kayak rentals any other day of the week.

Multi Day Kayak Rentals

(Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays)

We have a range of multiday touring kayak designs available for rentals. We have two Seaward Passat G3's available for doubles, and a number of options for singles including Tyee, Vision, Telkwa Sport, Telkwa HV, and more.

Pricing for Multiday Kayak Rentals

(MIn of 3 days / 2 nights)

Rentals Single Double

3+ Days $60/Day $90/ Day

We can drop off and pick up your kayaks at most launch location on Cortes, please ADD the launch location for pick up and drop off when you check out. Multiday rentals start and end on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and SATURDAYS. We cannot do pick up and drop off on any of the other days of the week due to our trip schedule.

*We are not located on the waterfront, so rentals will need to be dropped off by our staff. When you are booking, please select your drop off and pick up point.

We offer free drop off and pick up at Mansons Lagoon, Cortes bay, Smelt bay, Hollyhock or any private residences in Mansons area. If you would like to launch from Coulter Bay, Squirrel Cove, Whaletown or have them dropped off at a residence in Whaletown or Squirrel Cove- we have a drop off fee of $30 for drop off and $30 for pick up.

If you have roof racks and experience carrying & tying down kayaks, you can pick up the kayaks from us! Pick up is by appointment only. We have foam pads and tie down lines available. Address: 734 Sutil Point Rd, Mansons Landing BC. (Visits by Appointment only).

Book your rental kayaks online!

Our booking system has live availability and pricing.
